søndag 27. november 2011

CQWW CW 2011

Amazing conds this year on all bands.
I was active just a few hours this year - not planned at all, but couldn´t resist..

I worked 200 stations - just for fun and abt. 45000 points.
Respectable, so I believe it won´t just be a checklog.

I might be active during the ARRL 10-meter CW contest in December - just have to work a bit
more with my antennas.

fredag 18. november 2011

fredag 28. oktober 2011

Playing with PSK..

Playing with PSK in fldigi.
Works very fine, and is easy to use..

søndag 23. oktober 2011

Peiler meg inn på HamSAT(VO-51)..
ISS dukker litt senere opp.

torsdag 6. oktober 2011