søndag 21. august 2016

SSA Portabel test contest

SMP contest today
CW only - 5 contacts at 80-meter
4 swedish stations and one norwegian.

Homemade Windom worked fine. 
QTH great - very low noise on 80 and 40-meter.

Used my antenna launcher to get the ends of the Windom up about 15m at both sides.

I used the backseat of my car as a shack.
A few raindrops fell, but good conds.

fredag 19. august 2016

5el 6-meter antenna up..

As planned it "dips" low in the band.
Driver is a bit too long, so I will adjust this later.. no worries.
Like it.. works - "waiting for conds" now.. 

torsdag 18. august 2016

Antenna launcher just need some fish line

Should do the trick to get the line up in the trees.

All done and tested.
Great shot(toy) :-)

6-meter beam done

6-meter beam is done.. 

So, this is the result,

I expect the SWR to go further down when the antenna is up in the air

DK7ZB antenna calculation

tirsdag 16. august 2016

5el 6-meter antenna build

Started the build... should give about 8.5dBd and a F/B of 24dB @ 4.3m boom.

A bit late for 6-meter season, but better late than too late for next year..

DK7ZB antenna - 50-Ohm version.
It will suit my use well. Adding a choke to handle some power with less problems :-)

Hardware is bought and sent from http://eidolon.no/
I went for 12mm tubes, since 10mm extenders was not in stock.

mandag 8. august 2016

FT-817 and 37m sloper antenna

So, yeah - I'm QRV.. 

Rig is Yaesu FT-817nd and a PA giving 45Watts.
Tuner is MFJ-902H.

Perfect apartment, to be able to setup the 37m sloper antenna.

mandag 1. august 2016

SOTA - Håøya LA/AH-007 idag..

Activating Håøya LA/AH-007. Never activated before as SOTA.

The dingy is smart to drag on dock.
When other boats pass, there is a big chance it will be crushed in the waves.

Everything you need in one bag..